Discover How to Recover from Divorce and Create a New Thriving Relationship
Book a FREE 15-minute Phone Inquiry Call Now on (02) 8968 9323
We work with:
- Couples that want to find a way to end their marriage respectfully.
- Individuals who want support for leaving their marriage.
- Couples that want to support their children the best they can throughout the separation process.
- Individuals who are struggling to let go of their sadness, anger and resentment.
- Couples that are wanting help with co-parenting and important decisions for their children.
- Individuals who want to avoid divorce and are looking for other options.
- Couples that want to avoid divorce and improve their marriage.
If one partner wants to work on the relationship and the other partner is ambivalent, we recommend our time-limited Discernment Counselling services, so you can make the best decision on whether to work on your marriage or whether to separate.
Divorce can be one of the hardest things you ever go through in your life
When you get married and commit yourself to your loved one, the last thing on your mind is the possibility that it could end.
But sadly, some relationships and marriages don’t last. The impact of a divorce or separation can affect your emotional, physical and spiritual health, as well as have long-lasting effects on your children if it’s not handled well.
You might be questioning everything you thought about your partner and the life you had dreamed of having together.
Can you relate to any of these statements?
- I just feel so sad and depressed; I can’t stop crying.
- I feel so angry and betrayed, and I don’t know how to move on.
- I’m worried about how the divorce will affect my children.
- I’m feeling lost and confused, and I don’t know how to pick up the pieces and move on with life.
- My ex and I are constantly fighting, and we just can’t agree on any co-parenting issues.
- I’ve lost my friends and the life I knew, and it feels like I’m starting all over again. I don’t know where to start.
- I want to have a divorce where we can still stay friends, but I don’t know how to create that.
- I’m thinking of divorcing my partner, but I’m scared to take the first step.
If any of those statements sound like you, you’re not alone. Divorce can be a crippling experience where you feel like your life has been left in tatters.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. It is possible to navigate through a divorce and come out the other side stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. You can learn from your divorce and go on to create a loving and nurturing relationship with a new partner.
Through divorce counselling, it’s possible to:
- Get support for leaving a marriage or relationship that’s not working for you, and you’ve decided to end.
- Separate from your partner in a healthy and respectful way so neither of you hurt the other or the children.
- Feel resolved about the end of the marriage and start to be open to meeting new people and experiencing romance once again.
- Let go of anger, hate, and resentment so you can rebuild the life that you want.
- Start to trust others so you can build a loving and intimate relationship that brings you joy.
- Develop a strong and functional co-parenting relationship with your ex so your children thrive.
- Learn how to tell your children about your divorce so they can successfully navigate this time of transition.
- Regain your confidence and ability to make good decisions for yourself and your children.
Don’t let your divorce destroy you or your children. Call Clinton today.
If you’re ready to get started, book a FREE 15-minute phone inquiry call with Clinton Power by filling out the contact form below.